The residents of Fuldobhi village in Katihar are troubled by the terror of a mad dog. On Saturday morning, the stray dog grabbed a 5-year-old innocent child who was playing outside the house and bit his face. According to doctors, the child has a serious dog bite. Before this incident, the stray dog had attacked half a dozen goats and chickens. The entire village is in a state of terror due to the rampage of this mad dog. The child is severely injured in this attack. The treatment of the child is being carried out at PMCH in Purnia. The identity of the child is from Geddabari village in Katihar.

HTML SUB HEADING 1: Terror of a Mad Dog in Fuldobhi Village

HTML SUB HEADING 2: Child Attacked and Severely Injured

HTML SUB HEADING 3: Stray Dog’s Rampage in the Village

HTML SUB HEADING 4: Treatment at PMCH in Purnia

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